Monday, January 19, 2015

Writing product descriptions

Have you ever written product-description copy?

Believe it or not, it's one of my favorite forms of writing.

Since I buy mostly everything online, I've come to depend upon clear, concise, well-written copy --along with reviews, photos and specifications -- to make my selections. Great copy helps me to quickly scan different items and to zero in on the make or style of an item that I will most likely purchase.

When I write product descriptions, I like to match my tone with the manufacturer's tone. I try to be creative when the item lends itself to a creative approach but can be "just the facts ma'am" for products that have a more serious nature where fun or creativity would be out of place.

I write copy that tries to persuade you to buy the item, but it's based on real facts. I could never lie in a description but I might polish my prose a bit to get your interest.

When I'm shopping online, I keep that in mind.


  1. I have done some product description copy. For me it wasn't my favorite type of writing, I do agree that a creative flair definitely helps capture the reader's interest and can lead to a sale.

    1. I applied for one job (through a middleman of course) and the client said he or she wanted creative copy. I loved those product descriptions I did - they were so much fun to write and I was sure I had nailed the job. Either they couldn't decide on a price point with the word broker or they just didn't like my writing. Frankly I am pretty sure it was the former. :)
