Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Errors, errors, and more errors

It was not that long ago that my husband pointed out a huge error in a caption on the front page of the New York Times. I was crestfallen. I had always thought of the Times as producing impeccable copy --and more often than not --excellent writing and reporting.

Anyone can make a mistake, but the New York Times has a long illustrious history of very, very few typos or misspellings in their publications.

Perhaps the Times is just echoing and mirroring what I seem to see everywhere, which is either a general misunderstanding of the meaning of a word or a lack of interest in checking to ensure the word is spelled correctly.

I've probably made 25 errors so far in this blog, but I'm not the Times. When I write for others, I spend a lot more time proofreading my work compared to this blog that is being written with a cup of coffee by my side.

I don't get excited if I make a mistake here, but when the Times gets lackadaisical about spelling I do get worried.


  1. Ugh. I know this isn't comparable to the Times, but have you seen the nonsense that get's published in The Daily Mail? I don't know what rules of grammar they are following. I don't think they are even trying to double check prior to publishing.

  2. I would love it if they'd hire proofreaders...I know two right now who could clean up that site and make it appear respectable!
