Sunday, January 18, 2015

Give up writing; become a gambler instead!

Of course this is tongue in cheek, but I am wondering if there might not be some truth to the statement also. A friend of mine who is a writer just scored an easy $50 buckaroos betting on a sports game.

To make $50 doing content writing, it takes a lot of time. If you're really good and have managed to find private clients plus belong to three or more word broker sites, you might make this much money in a day. Okay I might be exaggerating here.

As for gambling, most freelance writers do this on a daily basis. We take a chance that the client will like our work. Then we take a chance that the client will pay for our work.

In my next life I'd love to be a skip tracer...Internet research only, and then I'd be chasing the bad guys instead of the big bucks.

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