Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Ebook is Finished

Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah -- in what seemed like a finger snap, the mountain of work I had to do for the ebook sifted down into a tidy little molehill, which is now completed with care and love. 

What I find interesting is that seconds after I sighed that big exhale of relief, I instantly got the "now what?" feeling.

If I don't have a queue of work assignments, I feel a bit lost. I am in this constant conflict of being eager to finish up a project yet eager to have a new one to begin waiting for me.

However, if no work comes in, I'll work on another one of my goals which is to write a screen play. 

I've written a novel...(not very good but completed with a beginning middle and end.)

I've written two one-act plays (I'll never know how good they were as I never saw them performed.)

So I figure, how hard can it be to write a screen play that may also not be very good? 

A snap I would think.

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