Thursday, January 15, 2015

Write an eBook. Nothing to fear.

I see a huge call lately for short (less than 2000 words) ebooks that clients want to "give away" on their websites or give as a bonus on a purchase. At first I thought gahh, who wants to take on that chore. Then I took a look at some of the ebooks available and changed my mind.

Go ahead and take that ebook writing job. Don't stress about the word count and follow these helpful hints. (I hope you find them helpful, if not I'll direct you to my ebook on helpful hints to understand my blog posts. ;)

  • Make a rough outline
  • Find out the word count and then break it up into 300-400 word sections
  • Give a flexible title or subhead to each section
  • Treat each section like a simple blog post
  • When finished, read your work in one sitting for compatibility 
  • Check for compatibility on point of view ex: first, second or third person 
  • Look for duplicate copy
  • Spell check
  • Collect your fee for your very nice ebook


  1. Great help with organizing. Almost makes me want to write one as well!

  2. You can do it! You have the one thing that is most important which is great writing skills!
