Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Blank Page

Writers get the blank page.

They must travel through the vast world of letters and punctuation marks to create coherent prose that is able to be understood by both friends or foes.

Writers start with nothing but their own fertile minds and must plant the seeds of an article onto the page and watch them grow into mature, thoughtful copy.

Then these words are handed over to the editors whose job it is to improve the copy. This doesn't always work. If you have an editor who justifies his or her position by hacking and slashing at copy, things might get dicey indeed.

I've had some of the best editors known to man in my opinion, and I hate to say it, but some of the worst.

Very young, inexperienced editors may feel the need to wield power over the "lowly writer" when we all should know by know it is the writer with the power because the writer gets the blank page.


  1. I've had my share of bad editors as well - nothing more frustrating than when an editor turns a grammatically correct sentence into a grammatically incorrect embarrassment!

    1. That is one of the worst things that happens to writers Linda so I feel your pain and have had that happen to me also.
