Saturday, March 21, 2015

Snow Jobs

Did you ever take on an assignment and find out the boss men or women kept the truth from you?

Truth like: this job is only a pilot and we're only putting it up for bid to show the client our price;
this job has a lot more to it than we're going to tell you up front;
this job is so underpriced for the amount of work it entails, we are expecting 60 percent of the writers and editors to quit within the first week or so...etc?

Not every job is presented in a truthful way.

I'm seeing this more and more as clients attempt to get writers at such low fees, they are no longer hiring real writers but people who own a keyboard instead.

Oh yes, it's still snowing outside which is what inspired me to post this blog.

Cupcakes because they always make me happy when I see them.


  1. I hate snow jobs of any sort. Dr. Phil has the perfect sentiment... lying by omission!

    1. Yup, I'm not sure why lately everyone seems to use subterfuge rather than facts to snag unsuspecting writers.
